Sound View Beach Exploration

On Thursday afternoon, I spent about 3 hours exploring the beach at Sound View. Because my background is primarily in Marine Biology (study of life in the ocean), it was something I wanted to do since I first saw the property. I took advantage of the 1.8 ft low tide at 2pm, grabbed a shovel and hiked down to the beach.


I started my exploration by walking over to the pier. Here are some things I found:

Then I continued along the water line, looking under a few rocks and in the water:

As I continued around to the little cove, I started to dig some holes. Most of the life on a sandy beach is just underground.

The one thing I was really hoping to find was a Moon Snail. I was sad that I did not see one but I saw a lot of evidence that they are present and active along our beach. There were a lot of clam shells with Moon Snail made holes in them as well as many empty Moon Snail shells.

Here are a few last images of things I found along the beach: